Distance learning is the best way for people currently working or those who may not be able to leave their home towns for various reasons to study and improve their qualifications.

With distance learning, be it a certificate course, a diploma course or degree course, students are able to make use of the online distance learning tools made available by the learning institution to interact with other students, mentors or lecturers.

Since distance learning has been offered on the internet the number of people with access to a good quality education has increased dramatically and as the acceptance of distance learning qualifications are now viewed in the same light as a full time study qualification, it opens up the world of personal advancement to people from all areas and all walks of life.

Distance learning requires commitment and a strong work ethic for success. You need to plan your study time and plan you assigments so as not to miss any of the required submission dates, prepare a distance learning schedule that has study times every day that need to be adhered to. There are no lectures to go to, no lecturers to remind you of upcoming requirements and for this reason, those who hold a distance learning qualification from a reputable University or learning institution are regarded as organised, hard working and committed individuals.

Never before has access to education been simpler and the variety of courses been so large. If you are currently working, the very best way to ensure a promotion or increased earnings is to achieve a qualification in a related field of study. By showing your committment to your job and the sacrifices on your personal life required to study a distance learning qualification, your employer will be very impressed.

South Africa’s committment to education has led to most South African Universities and colleges offering extremely good distance learning courses that will help you achieve your future goals.