supply chain management courseThe South African Supply chain manager needs to understand the nuances of the South African supply chain and understand how it relates to the World in general. The supply chain is the single most important area for every company to pay attention to, be it to gain a cost advantage, efficiency advantage or service advantage. An efficient supply chain that is managed well and monitored on a constant basis, will ultimately see a company improve in all areas of business. This results in happy customers, cost effective production or service and an overall competitive advantage.

Companies in South Africa or anywhere for that matter, can no longer be complacent in an increasingly global business environment and need to have very strong supply chain management in place. Do you see yourself as a game changer in your industry? Do you see yourself making a difference in the company you are working for? Do you want to make yourself a sought after employee? Or do you want to climb the ladder to a senior management position?

Study Supply chain management and you are well on your way to achieving your goals. Qualified supply chain managers are sought after around the globe for their skills in improving efficiencies, lowering costs and improving service levels.

Study supply chain management, it is the fastest growing and most important area of any business in a globally competitive environment.

Supply chain Courses available:

Higher Certificate in Logistics management

Diploma in Logistics and supply chain management

BBA in Logistics and supply chain management

It has been proven that with efficient logistics systems a company’s bottom line profits are increased.  With efficient logistics staff in place, companies gain competitive advantages as well as cost cuts within the company.

The demand for logistics employees to be trained has become more intense as their responsibilities have increased and become more demanding.  Logisticians have to be knowledgeable in various elements of Supply chain management.  They have to be up to date with the best practices in logistics nationally and internationally.  Logisticians have been brought up to the level of accountants and engineers alike in the sense that they are proficient and well trained professionals.

The institutes course in supply chain management will increase the skills of the applicant insuring all necessary expertise to meet any logistics challenges in the future.  The courses search for and seriously examine up to date logistics success recipes with the application in the participants own work environment.

The course also offers a part time study option for those who cannot take a leave of absence from work.

Now is the time to upgrade your supply chain management skills because of the difficult economic environment.  This will ensure that  savings will be made in the company ensuring success in the future.

Supply chain management (SCM)is a very important part in operation efficiency. SCM is not only applicable in customer satisfaction or the success of a company, it also is applicable in societal settings which include medical missions, disaster relief operations or any other type of emergency, cultural evolution, and overall improvement of the quality of life.

Now the question is why is supply chain management so crucial to business operation and the succes thereof?  Here are a few reasons :

It is a global necessity

In a nut shell the world is a huge supply chain.  Supply chain management reaches important issues such as the speedy growth of multinational companies and strategic partnerships, the fluctuation of gas prices and environmental concerns and all of these dramatically influences the corporate strategy and the bottom line.  Because of these trends, Supply chain management is the most important business discipline in the world today.

Why is SCM so important in society

Supply chain management is essential to the foundation and the infrastructure existing within society.  If the supply chain management of a society is a good functioning one, it will create jobs, minimise population, minimise the use of energy and the standard of living will be increased. Below are 2 such examples :

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans LA in 2005 and millions of residents had no clean water or food.  A rescue plan was set into action and in the first weekend alone 1.9 million meals were delivered, as wll as  6.7 million litres of water.

The Foundation for Econimic growth

In countries where the sypply chain infrustructure is highly developed, it is possoble to trade plenty of goods at a low cost using highways, railroads, ports and airports.  The end users are able to get there goods faster, therefore ensuring an economic growth.

Why is SCM important in companies

Obviously the impact that SCM has on a business is extremely important and eponential.  Below are the two main reasons :

Customer services boosted

Supply chain management ensures that the client always receives the correct goods and correct quantities and then delivered in a timely fashion.  Also the products should be made available in the clients location.  Thereafter clients should receive quality after-sale customer support.

Improvement on Bottom Line

Supply chain management improves on bottom line because they decrease the costs of the company by cutting out large fixed assets ie plants, warehouses and transportation vehicles in the supply chain.  The cash flow will be inproved because of the quick delivery and payments will be made more quickly.

Supply chain management ensures the smooth running of a company from the day to day things right up to natural disasters.  By studying supply chain management you will be learning how to fix problems, work around disruptions and determine how to best get products to anyone in need during and after a crises situation.