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Critical to every mining operation is the supply of the required quality and quantity of goods and services at the right time and place to enable the mine to operate safely and profitably.

This clearly identifies the critical function that the procurement and supply chain managers responsibilities are. The procurement and supply chain manager, as a critical contributor to the profitability of a mining operation, puts him/her in a position of great responsibility reporting directly to the CEO.

The procurement and supply chain management function is a key contributor to shareholder returns requiring a complete understanding of the business strategies, objectives and mining processes as well as a having the factors that effect the supply and demand of raw materials, transport and services availability available at your fingertips at any given moment. The ability of the procurement and supply chain manager to operate under pressure with extremely good organizational and problem solving skills is essential.

A position that bears this level of responsibility is handsomely rewarding both financially and personally offering potential to advance to the highest levels in the operation.

If you desire to work in an environment of high expectations, are able to bear great responsibility and enjoy the personal satisfaction of holding a key position responsible for the profitability of a mining operation then to graduate with a logistics and supply chain management diploma is your first step to realizing your dreams.

Learn more about the course details from the logistics and supply chain management course overview or contact us and we will call you right back.