Accredited short coursesBy studying accredited short courses at colleges or universities, you are able to start a degree in your own time. Many Universities like NMMU offer short courses in logistics management which offer full credit towards your formal degree.

The ability to take courses over weekends which typically involve three to four hour sessions on Saturdays you are able to study in a modular fashion with your goal being to attain a degree without interrupting your work schedule.

When studying short courses it is important to have the final prize in mind when selecting the short courses you take to ensure that each course will be credited to the degree you wish to attain in the end.

By using the accredited short course method it allows students to spread the cost over a longer period allowing you to budget for your studies according to your income at the time and to save towards the courses which are more expensive. Short courses typically start at around R2700 and after each course you are presented with a certificate which you should present to your employer after completion. This shows your employer your commitment to improving your skills and in SA, where skilled people are in short supply, your prospects for advancement are dramatically improved.

Employers offer financial assistance and incentives to staff who show a commitment to improving their skills and accredited short courses are an easy and inexpensive way for employers to up skill their staff. Financial aid or student loans are available from both private financial institutions as well as government institutions as part of the government’s commitment to improving the education of all SA citizens.

Take the leap and start your accredited short course today. It will improve your earning prospects and your advancement in the company straight away. Short courses are designed for individuals who are currently working. Short courses are an excellent way for mother on maternity leave to improve their skills and increase earnings for the extra expense of a child.