Logistics and supply chain management are very important economic drivers with every aspect of the logistics function and the management of the supply chain designed to take raw materials, convert them into a product/service and to deliver them into the hands of consumers.
In a small business the owner, receptionist or sales assistant may handle the logistics function but in large businesses, entire departments and divisions, employing many people handle the logistics and supply chain management function. The jobs within the logistics and supply chain operations could be any of the following.
Consultant, be it for a particular function like shipping or transport
Customer service manager
Inventory/warehouse manager
Logistics manager
Shipping/logistics sales in transport/shipping companies as an entry level position and senior sales positions
Production manager
Materials manager
Logistics systems and IT manager
Transport Manager
This will give you an excellent idea of the diversity of positions available to anyone with a qualification in logistics and supply chain management.
The Logistics and supply chain management industry is a growing industry with new positions and competencies being opened on a regular basis. The availability of careers and work opportunities in logistics and supply chain management is expected to grow in excess of 22% in 2016, which considering the double digit growth over the previous few years, offers graduates with a growing number of excellent work opportunities in logistics and supply chain management.
The Logistics courses available to you
OLG logisticscourses.co.za offer three qualifications highly sought after by businesses in South Africa. Each course has been designed with the needs of business in mind and was part of an inclusive process between businesses and the course suppliers. What this effectively means is that a qualification in any of the following courses is exactly what South Africa businesses are looking for and have positions available to suitably qualified individuals who are ready to hit the ground running and make a positive contribution by adding value to the company.
- BBA in logistics and supply chain management
- Diploma in logistics and supply chain management
- Higher certificate in logistics management
As an aside, and this is applicable to all prospective employees, irrespective of what career path you chose, you should always strive to earn the company more than you cost it…. or free up time for seniors to perform more important tasks that will improve the bottom line.
ALWAYS ADD VALUE and a business will want you in the employ!