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The Best Courses to study are compiled each year based on the employ-ability and availability of jobs for those who graduate with a diploma or degree in that field of study. What is also taken into account is the growth projections of an industry going forward and the likelihood of students who hold the necessary qualifications to be employed in the 10-15 years in the future.

Each year the South African Government identifies certain industries and qualifications as critical to meet the growth forecasts estimated by the Ministers and each year the field of Logistics and supply chain management features as a critical skill that is required in South Africa to help meet the growth figures in the economy.

The reason that Supply chain management and losistics studies are so vitally important in South Africa is the growth in exports required to narrow the balance of payments and access to export economies to grow businesses in South Africa. AGOA (African Growth Opportunity Act) has recently been extended by the USA to assist with Growth in the region. AGOA effectively allows South African and other African countries to export goods to the USA with preferential duties or no duties imposed. This effectively keeps the price of goods exported from South Africa to the USA at prices that are competitive and will see future growth of exports from South Africa to the USA.

Strategically, exporting companies in South Africa are looking to expand their export markets and need to ensure that their pricing is competitive. The other way for South African companies to improve their export markets is to pay particular attention to the logistics and supply chain management. This results in qualified and experienced Supply chain managers having an extremely important function in the future of these exporting companies.

A well run logistics department and an efficient supply chain are among the most important factors which will allow South African exporters to remain competitive or become more competitive, resulting in a Logistics and supply chain management qualification being one of the best courses to attain in 2015.

If you are considering studying for a career change or to improve your employment prospects in 2015, then either of the courses offered are the best way to ensure that your skills will drive your career prospects.

Take a look at the courses currently on Offer

Higher Certificate in Logistics and Supply chain management

Diploma in Logistics and supply chain management

BBA degree in Logistics and supply chain management