The Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Course being offered is accredited is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997
It is always important to consider the need for the qualification you are studying and whether it will still be relevant in 10-20 years time. The pace at which the logistics industry is changing is quite phenomenal with the increased use of robotics. There are certain things that robots cannot do and planning, coherently analyzing data with real World input are but a few things. A highly sought after logistics and supply chain manager will plan, analyse and prepare for the unexpected. If for example, a customer needs a larger than normal order, it is only personal interaction and planning that can solve a logistics and supply chain problem on that level.
Become an important part of the supply chain, add value to the business and secure yourself a bright future as a qualified logistics and supply chain management professional.
The Diploma in Logistics and supply chain management is recognised by government as a qualification to attain a skill in need in South Africa with subsidization under certain circumstances being available. Financing of studies for logistics and supply chain management studies is available from lending institutions that can be contacted at the following link Study loans >>
It is accredited as a QCTO Skills Development Provider, is an accredited SETA provider with extensions of scope at both W&RSETA
When researching where to studying a diploma in Supply Chain Management, the accreditation of the courses should be carefully looked at to ensure that the diploma you leave with, is accredited and acknowledged by employers as a diploma course with substance.
The Diploma in Logistics and supply chain management is accredited by both statutory bodies listed below and is designed with the National Skills Development Program as it’s guiding principles. The SA government earmarked logistics and the supply chain as skills that are lacking in South Africa and graduates of these accredited supply chain courses are likely to be absorbed into business almost immediately.
The very nature of industry today is a fast moving, ever changing environment and whether you are starting out in the supply chain management field or have an existing qualification, the accredited diploma in logistics and supply chain management will put you on a sound footing to enter the workplace or update your skills and management abilities to further your career prospects.
A diploma in Supply chain management is a diploma that is recognized by the industry.
The course was designed in partnership with the wider Logistics and supply chain management industry which included employers, to ensure that the skill sets that a successful student has are required by the employers. All too often we hear of highly qualified individuals, sometimes with honors and masters degrees who are unable to find work due to the qualifications they have not being required by employers.
With a diploma in supply chain management your career is on a sound footing. Courses are priced very reasonably and are flexible. Please complete the course information request form in the yellow block and we will contact you straight away to discuss the enrollment requirements and pricing.