Student loans for students studying any of the Logistics and supply chain management courses, be it at a University or a College are available to students who meet the criteria set down by the financial institution where you apply.
Each lending company has different lending criteria for student loans and it must be said upfront, do not give up if you have been refused a student loan from a lender, each refusal is one step closer to an acceptance.
We will look at the different approaches for school leavers and people currently working.
If you are straight out of school
Prepare all of your documents regarding your studies and highlight your achievements. If you have achieved high marks in mathematics, highlight this, it is an important consideration as logistics and supply chain managers deal with figures and analyse statistics every day. Ask your teachers for testimonials regarding your ability and commitment and if they think that LSCM is a correct career choice for you.
Every financial institution will require you to show an ability to repay the loan and your application will be viewed favourably if you have worked steadily at part time jobs earning a reasonable amount. If you have been keeping your part time earnings in cash, start depositing it into a bank account to show a regular income or ask for pay slips from your employer.
A surety on a student loan is sometimes required, in which case you may need to approach a member of your family who has a good credit record to stand as a surety.
If you are currently working
Employed people wishing to study online are far more likely to be accepted for a student loan as they immediately have the ability to repay the loan. This most important thing is to check that your credit record is clean and a recommendation from your employer will go a long way to assisting the decision making.
In many cases, employers will begin to pay for studies once you have passed modules of the courses and have shown a commitment and ability to improving your position in the company and will assist with your study loan or pay for the course.
Applying for a student loan or financial aid is a task not to be taken lightly, motivate your application and show your passion for learning and the course you are applying for. Passion and commitment are what people look for and your student loan application will be top of the pile. make sure that your figures are correct, contact numbers and references are correct and that your English is without spelling makes and written properly. The image you convey will be in your favour if done correctly.