Study loans are available from companies, banks and lending institutions for those wishing to study in the logistics and supply chain management field.
Companies are increasingly becoming aware of the skills shortage in Supply chain management as well as other fields and are bending over backwards to retain skilled people with qualifications in the supply chain.
Never before has the opportunity to get a student loan been more accessible but what must you look out for when considering taking out a study loan and what are the best ways to get your company to pay for your studies?
If we bear in mind that companies are actively looking for qualified supply chain management staff and the ability to hold onto those staff is becoming very difficult in a head hunting environment, you should employ a strategy to ensure that your study loan is paid for.
If your company has an employee advancement program in place, show an interest in supply chain management and make sure that management are aware of your interest to advance. This, coupled with an attitude of company loyalty will certainly increase your chances of having the company pay for your studies and will ensure that you stay at the company for a number of years. It is common practice to get a contractual commitment from employees that ensures they stay at the company after graduating.
Banks and financial institutions are also very active in the student loan space and is often a good way to get the company to pay for your studies. By taking out a student loan from a bank to improve yourself and excelling in your studies, gives the right message to your employer. It shows an ability to achieve, commitment to advancement and a real determination to succeed. Studying while working requires tremendous commitment and is just the quality that employers look for.
Student loans are available for full time study which require certain performance from the student and an ability to repay the loan. Many students have taken advantage of this avenue and used student consolidation loans to make their studies more affordable as they progress through their studies.
There are financial alternatives that will allow you to study. Take action and apply for a study loan from as many financial institutions as you can and remember to never lose hope, every NO take you closer to a YES for your student loan. Never give up.