There is no doubt that the field of logistics and supply chain management is becoming increasingly vital to companies of all sizes as business becomes increasingly globalized.

If you are in purchasing, distribution, transport management, or find the opportunities for advancement are limited, you would be well advised to consider a career in logistics and supply chain management. The effectiveness of the supply chain is what sets companies apart and provides a distinct competitive advantage and companies are prepared to finance your studies.

Logistics and supply chain management is the effective management of the entire supply chain from raw material to the distribution channels that place the product or service into the hands of the consumer. Optimizing the different functions of the supply chain ensures that the right raw materials or products are in the right place at the right time. This ensures that the processes involved in producing the products are maximizing their resource allocation, reducing costs, improving service and increasing profits.

The Question is what course do you study?

Certificate courses

There are certificate courses available giving a wholistic view of the supply chain and the supply chain processes. This may be an important place to start to give you an idea of the scope and functions of Supply chain managers.

There are certificate courses available in the different areas of the supply chain, like purchasing, warehousing, logistics and transport which could prove very valuable to you when seeking career advancement in a particular part of the supply chain.

Online Certificate courses generally range from 6 months to 12 months, can be done online and offer students a flexible study program.

Diploma Courses

A diploma in logistics and supply chain management that is accredited, offers the successful student the ability to move up in the company at a quicker pace than most due mainly to the limited number of qualified supply chain management diploma holders.

Online courses are available to those who are currently working and need the flexibility to complete a 2 or 3 year logistics and supply chain management diploma over a period. These are highly sought after diplomas by companies and the successful completion will steer you in a direction that offers tremendous scope for work in SA or abroad.

Degree Courses

Logistics and supply chain management degree courses are offered by prestigious Universities around the world and the fact that these degrees are available online offer students from SA the ability to get an international qualification.

Specialization in the different areas of the supply chain offers graduates innumerable opportunities anywhere in the world.

MBA Programs

For those post graduates who have their eye set on the CEO position an MBA specialising in supply chain management is your ticket to advancement, consider one of the MBA courses that are offered as online MBA’s from the best Universities and Business schools in the World.