Where do you see yourself fitting into the Logistics field? The opportunities in Logistics management are very diverse and as companies become increasingly dependent on improving service delivery, qualified people in the various areas of Logistics management become increasingly sought after. There are Logistics Diploma Courses or Online Degrees in Logistics Management as well as Masters programs in Logistics.
We must remember that in order to improve service delivery the entire supply chain needs to function seamlessly, right from ensuring the equipment is serviced regularly and parts are available in an instant, to the labelling and dispatching of orders to be delivered to customers. In each of the separate areas of responsibility and depending on the size of the business, a specialist who has the right skills and ability to communicate effectively to the other areas of the supply chain are imperative.
There are two main areas that effective logistics target and you can specialise in one of the functions or many function with a logistics and supply chain management diploma, the first relates to performance which in essence deals with customer satisfaction issues and getting the right products to the right place at the right time. The second deals with cost issues, in essence being able to meet the logistics performance targets at a lower cost by examining every aspect of the performance functions and identifying ways to reduce costs.
The logistics management system: Logistics management systems are software applications that integrate with the company applications, track and report on the efficiency of the various logistical functions. These are extremely important systems to understand which provide both management and customers with the latest information.
Do you form part of a Procurement team or do you see yourself in the procurement side of the business? This area deals with researching the market and the suppliers, deciding who to buy from and ensuring that efficiencies are maintained.
Production Logistics sits in between production and distribution, includes warehousing management and is often seen as the most important part of the Logistics management function.
Distribution Logistics is what was traditionally seen as the logistics function before specialization within the Logistics field. For companies to compete on a global platform in a world that is increasingly being supplied from by companies from every corner of the Globe, Logistics and the effective management of the supply chain is a critical function that will ultimately determine the success or failure of a business.
Get yourself a Logistics Qualification and put yourself in a position where advancement is a given and due to the importance of the function, companies offer education financing options as well as the various institutions offering Student Financial Aid.