Getting a degree in logistics and supply chain management is a career changing decision that will set you on a path for great things.

supply-chain-degreeThe knowledge that a degree in logistics and supply chain management offers you and your company is almost impossible to quantify but what we can confidently say is that if you are a skilled and passionate logistics and supply chain manager, your business will benefit greatly and you will find the kind of job satisfaction that many fail to find.

The logistics and supply chain management field opens up so many job opportunities in a vast array of businesses, from Mining and Industrial opportunities to retail and fashion opportunities. The reason that the job opportunities are so diverse in industries is that every industry has products/materials/services that need to be managed, distributed and used. It is the job of a logistics and supply chain manager to ensure that this happens and that the business runs at optimal levels.

In a large business you degree in logistics and supply chain management might see you specialise in distribution or in fleet management, or in raw materials handling and distribution, or in transport management, or in warehouse and stock control management. These are a few examples of the types of business opportunities that open up to a graduate with a degree in logistics and supply chain management. Your career will likely see you function in all aspects of the supply chain, gathering knowledge as you head towards the COO, CFO or MD position. A thorough knowledge of the workings of every aspect fo the supply chain will be the best motivation you have when applying for any senior management role or when being considered for a directorship.

It is really quite simple, those that add the most value to a business get paid the most and most likely to be promoted. Most businesses sole purpose is to make money and reward the investors and shareholders with handsome returns. There are of course other more esoteric purposes for being in business, but a business that does not make money is not a business at all and it is your responsibility as the logistics and supply chain manager to ensure that every part of the supply chain operates at optimal levels to maximise efficiency and profits.

A degree in logistics and supply chain management sets you up for future advancement, offers you the ability to operate from a position of authority in any aspect of the supply chain and sending you on the fast track to a senior position in the company.