study-onlineWhen studying Logistics and supply chain management online while working, it is extremely important to manage your time properly and not to fall behind in your online classes. Striking the right balance between studies, family and work is essential to a successful study program.

The traits of a good online study student are discipline, commitment and organisation. The very same traits that you will need to be an excellent logistics and supply chain manager, so not only are you gaining the knowledge required to do your job optimally, but you are also gaining the essential experience at managing your time.

It could be said that recruitment in the logistics and supply chain management field prefer applicants that have demonstrated their ability to manage their time and excel at their studies from studying online.

Although studying online is more flexible, it does not mean it is any easier! Where a full time student attending classes has the ability to do face to face queries, the online student will have access to the lecturers and mentors through online forums. The important thing to take from this is that however you choose to study, do not fall behind and ensure that you fully understand the subject matter before moving on. You are paying for access to teaching staff, tutors, mentors etc, so make full use of them.

Logistics and supply chain management is a course that requires you to attain top marks, 30-50% will just not cut it in the real World where your job as a logistics and supply chain manager is critical to the company performance and profits. You should always strive to achieve the highest marks possible.

Study hard, use the resources available to you, don’t fall behind and have a desire to achieve at the highest level. It is the students that achieve the highest marks and display a commitment, desire and ability to balance their lives and work that are the top earners.

Here are the top tips to success in studying online.

Plan your studies by familiarizing yourself with the calendar, making particular note of the test/project submission dates.

Commit to a certain number of hours at a specific time every day to sit down and study.

Use all of the Apps, calendars and reminders available today.

Set reminders ahead of time to alert you to tests/deadlines.

Check the forums daily and establish a relationship with a tutor/mentor online, these are your lifeline when studying.

Always ask questions if you do not understand.

This is possibly the most important thing to take away from this. Never, ever feel like you cannot ask a question, there is no such thing as a stupid question!