011 465 7668 / 076 422 5456 help@logisticscourses.co.za

part-time-studiesTo study a part time course in logistics and supply chain management you have the option of studying a BBA degree, a diploma course or a higher certificate course in logistics and supply chain management.

Logistics and supply chain management part time students will complete the courses on a modular basis with each module having to be completed before the next module commences. Mentorship and study groups are available on a 24 hour basis where students can make use of the vast knowledgebase compiled by both students and lecturers.

Part time courses in logistics and supply chain management can be quite challenging from a workload perspective but as a student working in the field, you will understand the level of pressure that you as a professional logistician will need to operate at and take it in your stride.

Are you ready to start a career in Loigistics and supply chain management?

If your answer is a resounding YES, please request the information by completing the form in the yellow block to the right. All three courses are accredited and operated by the open learning group in conjunction with the Institute of logistics and supply chain management.

Your future depends on your expertise and the level of education you have, combined with discipline and aptitude will ensure that your part time studies in logistics and supply chain management propel your career to the position you are preparing for.

Call/request course information and get the full picture, we are always ready to convince you that a career in logistics and supply chain management offers not only tremendous growth prospects but a salary and job satisfaction that is offered by few other professions. Stake your claim in the evolving and ever growing field of logistics and supply chain management.