supply-chain-careersThe Logistics profession has evolved at an alarming rate over the past 20 years to be mission critical position from a position that dealt dealt primarily with the movement of goods.

The importance of the planning process, the technical integration of shipping, transport and supplier networks, the demands by suppliers and customers and the inevitable effects on profitability, have left business with gaps that need to be filled with suitably qualified people.

Logistics and supply chain management has evolved from a very basic packing and moving position to a profession that requires expertise and passion over a period of time to master. Any Logistician or supply chain professional will tell you that a day in the the life of a logistics and supply chain manager has no dull moments.

One of the most important factors to consider when considering any career choice is the future of the career. Is the career you choose an evolving and dynamic career that has good growth and advancement prospects in the future, or is it a profession/skill that is likely to be adversely affected by the forward march of technology.

A Carrer in any of the areas of Logistics and supply chain management will ensure that you are on a career path that has a tremendous upward trajectory in the years to come. The industry has seen growth of over 20%/annum and for example in the US is expected to grow by 22% in 2016.

The growing importance of Logistics and supply chain management can be seen by companies using Logistics and supply chain trends and reporting to drive business startegy. Traditionally, Logistics and supply chain was enabler of the decisions and goals set/ made by Sales and marketing, but what we see today is the sales and marketing teams taking their lead from the supply chain reporting and analysis.

Efficiency of the supply chain has lead logistics and supply chain professionals to work alongside IT departments to improve processes that will impact on the effectiveness of the supply chain. The synergy with IT is becoming more and more evident and logistics and supply chain professionals need to analyze large amounts data. BIG data has been a business buzzword for a few years now and perhaps the most common areas that big data is used are in sales and marketing, where customer preferences and behaviours are analyzed, but the supply chain management professionals have the ability to make forecasts and predictions based on historical performance in the supply chain and then to advise sales and marketing of the trends going forward.

A career in Logistics and supply chain management opens so many doors, from transport management and planning, to warehousing, planning, forecasting and any number of other disciplines.

Starting with a qualification in Logistics and supply chain management gives you the opportunity to experience all levels of the supply chain, to experience and then to decide what area you wish to become a specialist in!