Ever wondered what the most sought after careers are in South Africa? Well you would be well advised to read the following before you decide on a career unless you are one of the very lucky few who knows exactly what you want to do and have the passion and drive to pursue your dream and destiny at all costs. This will also give you an idea of the best courses to study in 2016 and beyond.
For the vast majority of people, a career is a choice that we make after doing searches on the internet about the best paying jobs, what jobs offer the best working environment, what jobs offer travel opportunities and as many others as you can imagine that revolve around money and lifestyle.
What we should be searching for are terms like, “what are the most sought after careers in south africa“, what careers will offer growth in 10 years time, what are the future careers that are most important and the likes.
Being in South Africa and an African in particular offers us the opportunity to be involved in the development of the World’s “last frontier”.
Lets take a look at some of Africa’s most important features that make it the World’s last growth frontier.
1. Africa still has many thousands of square kilometers of arable land that is untouched.
Agriculture offers tremendous growth potential for Africa and of course the jobs and opportunities that go along with the growth of the industry and the economies.
The fact is that in years to come and don’t mean 100’s I mean in the next 10 – 15 years, Africa will be providing food and agricultural products in enormous quantities to the rest of the World and this alone will drive Logistics and supply chain management jobs up the ladder of most sought after careers in South Africa. We are of course most interested in how these changes and opportunities will effect the logistics and supply chain but every aspect of the Agricultural sector and the shipping/transport sector will be affected. There will be more equipment required, more water required, more and more of everything so this not only applies to export but will dramatically effect importing as well. Even if logistics and the supply chain are not your passion, just sit and imagine an agricultural industry in a massive growth phase. The need for storage facilities, feed systems, irrigation and so on and so on.
2. Africa has large untapped commodity resources
All over Africa, there is mining and exploration going on by the Worlds largest companies and as the discover and develop mines to extract more and more of Africa’s mineral resources, the opportunities for beneficiation, export of raw materials and finished products will become enormous and will likely be the quickest growing sector with many export jobs available. These jobs will need to be filled by experienced Logistics and supply chain management staff.
The most sought after careers in South Africa will be in almost every industry and the single thing that every indy=ustry needs are the ability to move their products/services and expertise. That is the job of the Logistics and supply chain management professional!
This is by no means a comprehensive article on the growth areas that will offer opportunities in Africa and South Africa but is intended to get you thinking about all of the possibilities in a growth economy. Think construction, infrastructure, commodities and everything in between.
Every industry has the need for logisticians and supply chain professionals.
Diploma in logistics and supply chhain management >>
Degree in Logistics and supply chain management >>
Certificate in logistics and supply chain management >>